Join Us for the Youth Empowerment Diwan!
Moments that initiate a mindset and purpose allow individuals to explore avenues of opportunity. For the youth of the 21st century, illuminating creativity and knowledge calls for these qualities to be planted into acts of service. Within our community, the youth's voice empowers individual and collective leadership. It also strives to share values Hizmet has instilled in hearts since its very beginning in fruitful ways.
An empowered youth equates to an empowered community, discussion circle, project, or even a simple idea. Youth empowerment raises the question of understanding what this looks like in action and the collective support needed to foster it. It involves the beautiful minds who bring forth positive change. In today’s global context of development, Hizmet’s youth play a crucial role in leading the way for future generations. This journey underscores the importance of remembering past teachings and their applicability to the present, allowing youth to carry the torch of creativity into the future, where their actions will pave the way for leadership and continued dialogue in harmony. Ultimately, the youth embody the understanding of harmony as a collective.
What does youth empowerment represent, and what mechanisms within identities encourage initiation and integration in our broader society by bringing forward the voice of the youth? What does a safe space look like when advocating for youth’s ideas in an idealistic and respectful manner in our community? What communication-based proactive approaches can guide them when engaging with peers who encourage youth-focused projects?
We invite you to the upcoming Diwan series event on Youth Empowerment organized by Respect Graduate School. Diwan embraces a platform discussion atmosphere to encompass diversity in perspectives and bring forth understanding and collective approaches to today’s most pressing topics. Welcoming participants of all ages to explore this vital topic, we ask that you journey with us to the roots of Hizmet through its timeless teachings of Hocaefendi as we examine the crossroads of youth empowerment and Hizmet values. Simultaneously, we will travel to the heart of what it means to be empowered in today’s world to envision a future led by empowered and confident youth in all spaces and backgrounds, exploring the challenges and growth that come with it. Appreciating the diversity that different perspectives hold, we encourage everyone to see through the lens of youth and hear through their voices to be a stronger humanity together.
Halime Benzer
The Coordinator of Youth Empowerment in Hizmet Diwan[email protected]
- Save the date: September 7-8, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday)
- 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST (New York)
- 19:00 - 23:00 CEST (Amsterdam, Berlin)
- Register via Zoom
Sizleri, Respect GS’in desteğiyle düzenlenen Youth Empowerment in Hizmet (Hizmet Gençliğinin Kuvvetlendirilmesi) konulu Divan serisi etkinliğine, 7-8 Eylül 2024 tarihlerinde online Zoom’dan katılmaya davet ediyoruz. Bu etkinlikte, Hizmet topluluğumuzun gençlerinin bireysel ve kolektif liderliği nasıl güçlendirdiğini, Hizmet'in kalplere yerleşmiş değerlerini nasıl verimli bir şekilde paylaştığını ve gençlerin bu değerleri nasıl geleceğe taşıdığını konuşacağız. Farklı perspektiflerin bir araya geldiği bu platformda, gençlerin sesini duyurmak ve onların fikirlerini desteklemek için güvenli alanlar oluşturmanın önemini müzakere etmiş olacağız. Gelin, Abant ruhu ile bir diyalog atmosferi oluşturalım ve önümüzdeki Divanda birlikte olalım!
- Takviminize kaydedin: 7-8 Eylül 2024 (Cumartesi ve Pazar)
- 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST (New York)
- 19:00 - 23:00 CEST (Amsterdam, Berlin)
- Zoom'dan kaydolun!
Önceki Divanların materyallerini aşağıdaki linklerden inceleyebilirsiniz: Göç, Çevre, Demokrasi ve Yapay Zeka Etiği